Dear friends: Today the library will be rededicated as the Rockville Memorial Library. It will be a short (half hour) outdoor ceremony, as long as it doesn't rain, and Richard, my husband and the father of Thomas, will be speaking. It is fitting. The families we worked with will be there, Tom and Carol Barbieri, Paula Davis, Nikki Bunting and the family of SPC (I think he was promoted but that's what's on the website for now) Tony Paci and hopefully Irwin Cohen who started this idea. The display cases filled up in the week after I took that picture--all of the families named here brought items, as well as the family of LTC James Walton. My biggest regret about this process is that we did not contact all of the families--some we just couldn't find and some we had some reason to believe wished to not be contacted but we should not have just assumed . . . It's hard to know what the right thing to do might be sometimes.
Louise Penny asked me to blog about this for her and that will go up on Memorial Day. I will put up a link of course, but I expect to do some writing here as well--my audience here is much different (and much smaller!) so it will definitely be a different post!
So many people have sent their best wishes to us--thank you to everyone!